WESTERN Product Description
Upgrade your inventory with just one item
ファッションを楽しみ、愛する女性が多く増えることを願った”Friendship Projects”。こちらは気軽に使えるトートバッグを華やかな雰囲気にアップグレードした1品。きらめくスパンコールがエレガンスなオーラを放ち、着こなしを格上げしてくれそう。持ち手がやや長めなので肩に掛けやすく、ノートパソコンなどもすっぽり入るサイズ感。ELLE SHOP限定カラーは、「ピンク/ゴールド」のバイカラー。表と裏で配色にしているため、気分やコーディネートに合わせてカラーをチョイスしてみて。
The size for which the estimated delivery time is displayed is a pre-order item.
Please check the following notes before applying for reserved products.
[Notes on reserved products]
・ Delivery time may change depending on the arrival status.
・ Delivery time can be specified, but delivery date cannot be specified.
・ The product in the image is a sample. Materials, specifications, processing, size, etc. may differ slightly from the actual product.
・ Reserved items cannot be purchased at the same time as other items, but if the estimated delivery time is the same or one period is different, we will ship your order in bulk.
* The estimated delivery time is indicated by the beginning, middle, and end of the month divided into three periods.
・ You cannot change the contents after confirming your order.
・ Credit card orders will be processed when the product is shipped.
*A portion of sales profits will be donated to support organizations working on women's issues.
- Product category:
Bag / Wallet
Tote Bag
Tote Bag